
Proposal Lifecycle

Let’s walk through how to create and execute a proposal on our newly deployed Governor.

A proposal is a sequence of actions that the Governor contract will perform if it passes. Each action consists of a target address, calldata encoding a function call, and an amount of ETH to include. Additionally, a proposal includes a human-readable description.

Create a Proposal

Let’s say we want to create a proposal to give a team a grant, in the form of ERC20 tokens from the governance treasury. This proposal will consist of a single action where the target is the ERC20 token, calldata is the encoded function call transfer(<team wallet>, <grant amount>), and with 0 ETH attached.

Generally a proposal will be created with the help of an interface such as Tally or Defender. Here we will show how to create the proposal using Ethers.js.

First we get all the parameters necessary for the proposal action.

const tokenAddress = ...;
const token = await ethers.getContractAt(‘ERC20, tokenAddress);

const teamAddress = ...;
const grantAmount = ...;
const transferCalldata = token.interface.encodeFunctionData(‘transfer’, [teamAddress, grantAmount]);

Now we are ready to call the propose function of the Governor. Note that we don’t pass in one array of actions, but instead three arrays corresponding to the list of targets, the list of values, and the list of calldatas. In this case it’s a single action, so it’s simple:

await governor.propose(
  “Proposal #1: Give grant to team”,

This will create a new proposal, with a proposal id that is obtained by hashing together the proposal data, and which will also be found in an event in the logs of the transaction.

Cast a Vote

Once a proposal is active, delegates can cast their vote. Note that it is delegates who carry voting power: if a token holder wants to participate, they can set a trusted representative as their delegate, or they can become a delegate themselves by self-delegating their voting power.

Votes are cast by interacting with the Governor contract through the castVote family of functions. Voters would generally invoke this from a governance UI such as Tally.

Execute the Proposal

Once the voting period is over, if quorum was reached (enough voting power participated) and the majority voted in favor, the proposal is considered successful and can proceed to be executed. Once a proposal passes, it can be queued and executed from the same place you voted.

We will see now how to do this manually using Ethers.js.

If a timelock was set up, the first step to execution is queueing. You will notice that both the queue and execute functions require passing in the entire proposal parameters, as opposed to just the proposal id. This is necessary because this data is not stored on chain, as a measure to save gas. Note that these parameters can always be found in the events emitted by the contract. The only parameter that is not sent in its entirety is the description, since this is only needed in its hashed form to compute the proposal id.

To queue, we call the queue function:

const descriptionHash = ethers.utils.id(“Proposal #1: Give grant to team”);

await governor.queue(

This will cause the Governor to interact with the timelock contract and queue the actions for execution after the required delay.

After enough time has passed (according to the timelock parameters), the proposal can be executed. If there was no timelock to begin with, this step can be ran immediately after the proposal succeeds.

await governor.execute(

Executing the proposal will transfer the ERC20 tokens to the chosen recipient. To wrap up: we set up a system where a treasury is controlled by the collective decision of the token holders of a project, and all actions are executed via proposals enforced by on-chain votes.

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