esLBR is escrowed LBR. It has the same value as LBR and is subject to the total supply of LBR. esLBR cannot be traded or transferred but has voting rights and can share in protocol earnings. Mining rewards are the primary source of esLBR.
esLBR holders can convert their esLBR to LBR through a vesting process. Once the process is started, esLBR will be linearly converted to LBR over a period of 90 days, a penalty fee will be charged where users decide to advance (or speed up) the vesting period.
Vesting & Boost Mechanism
In Lybra's system, the conversion of esLBR to LBR has a set vesting period of 90 days. This process ensures that committed users have the opportunity to participate actively in the protocol's governance and reap the benefits over time. Users can boost their esLBR emissions by up to 1.5x from all incentive pools by locking their LBR or esLBR for a certain time period.
However, one important point to note here is the inflexibility of the lock-up period. Once the esLBR is locked up for a certain period, the duration of this lock-up cannot be decreased. If a user decides to adjust their lock-up period, they would need to initiate a new lock-up cycle, which resets the count to the beginning.
Max Lock Boost
Last updated
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